Sexual obsession, love, and personal growth

Breaking my silence here for the obvious reason, to talk about a new book of mine that Fiero Publishing has made available through,, and soon through Barnes & Noble, Kobo, et. al.

It’s a bit of a leap from the popular splash I made with my first novel Chasing the Minotaur, and my second, Stay with Me. But the themes of desperately struggling to hang onto a threatened love, to figure out how to be worthy of that love as you deal with the incredible things life throws at you, will be familiar to the readers of either of those works.

Life is pretty damn intense at times and the figuring it out — what’s important, how to make it work — isn’t easy. But I really believe the answers are there. You just have to scrabble through a lot of stuff  to get to it. Which is what good fiction is all about.

It’s about the journeys we take and how we find our way home. Sometimes it’s through the magical fields of Provence (Chasing the Minotaur), sometimes it’s the pursuit of a daughter we thought lost forever (Stay with Me), sometimes it’s leaving all we had known to accompany a siren we’ve just met on a trip into the darkest heart of the American Midwest (Jessica Falls).

Pick up a sample of Jessica Falls and you’ll get a sense of the journey. Join me for the ride.

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